What is the bioeconomy? Who are the key players? Where do the opportunities lie? And how
significant is its impact across Ireland?
Each day we will share a new, informative map exploring these questions. The maps will be
hosted on the main page of irishbioeconomy.ie as well as add to the Map of the Month series
on the Teagasc website. Check back for updates throughout Bioeconomy Ireland Week!
The maps were produced by Teagasc, in collaboration with the Department of Agriculture,
Food and Marine (DAFM), IT Tralee, Trinity College Dublin, University College Dublin, the
Irish Bioeconomy Foundation, BiOrbic and the Bord Iascaigh Mhara, directly address one of
the key actions identified in the National Bioeconomy Policy Statement which is to highlight
its relevance for a wide range of stakeholders across many sectors.