Go for Grass – Exploiting grassland potential in the EU Circular economy

Grassland and green shrubs cover 21% of the total surface area of the EU-28 and as such are a key element of the regions’ landscape and biodiversity. Today, grass as a resource remains underutilised. It is often left to decay after mowing and thus incurs costs and fails to capitalise on the potential benefits available […]

Green Enterprise: Innovation for a Circular Economy

To mark Bioeconomy Week Ireland 2020, we’re pleased to invite you to the EPA’s Green Enterprise: Innovating for a Circular Economy* webinar where we will share the findings of the following three bioeconomy projects:   SymbioBeer Irish Manufacturing Research (IMR) facilitated an Industrial Symbiosis innovation demonstration pilot between St Mel’s Brewery and Panelto Food called SymbioBeer. Waste bread was utilised […]

Scoping a Seaweed Biorefinery Concept for Ireland

As part of Bio-Economy Week Ireland 2020, Bord Iascaigh Mhara (BIM), Ireland’s Seafood Development Agency, invites you to attend a webinar on Friday 23 October to launch its bio-refinery report, ‘Scoping a seaweed bio-refinery concept for Ireland’. The event is being chaired by David Millard (BIM) and speakers include co-authors of the report Sarah Hotchkiss and […]

Sustainable Seaweed

A workshop on “Sustainable Seaweed” opened by  Máire Ní Einniú. The event opens with a brief overview of EU, NPA funded seaweed project called SW-Grow, followed by an two hour interactive workshop from Dave Garforth of RS Standards on the sustainable harvesting of seaweed and certification. Register here.

Sustainable Farming: A Range of Perspectives

Discuss the future of sustainable farming! During this two hour event we will hear from a diverse panel of speakers including farmers, researchers, industry and policy about how farming can be both sustainable and economical. Each of our speakers will give a short 3-5 talk and this will be followed by a lively discussion with […]

Policies Driving the Bioeconomy


Charlie McConalogue, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine will give an overview on Irish policy developments and implementation in the bioeconomy area. In addition the author of an European Commission study will presents the results of this study on scenarios on how demand and supply for biobased chemicals and materials could grow to 2030, […]

StrongWomen Science Online!


If you aren't attending our circus events, don't worry! Circus250 has provided some videos and resources online! To go along with Circus250's programme of events for Bioeconomy Ireland Week. Register to access the videos and resources so you can still join in! These resources will be available for the whole duration of the week, starting […]

COOPID – Knowledge Transfer of Bioeconomy Approaches for Primary Producers

Led by CircBio Research Group at Munster Technological University, check out our social media campaign for the COOPID Proejct where you are in with a chance to participate in unique European Bioeconomomy Site Visits & Knowledge Exchange activities. Check out our LinkedIn page and Twitter throughout the week.


Teagasc Bioeconomy Map Series

What are people saying about the bioeconomy? How can you make the right connection for enterprise to reach it’s bioeconomy potential ? Where and what are Ireland’s natural recourses that can be sustainable harnessed? Who and what is the National Bioeconomy Forum? Each day a new, informative map will be shared that will explore these […]