To celebrate the Bioeconomy Ireland Week – Lárionad Acmhainní Nádúrtha CTR (operating as Cill Ulta) are running a Biochar Symposium on the 20th October from 10am-1pm at the glass houses in Cill Ulta. Guest Speaker Stephen McCormack from the Irish Bioenergy Association will introduce the use of Biochar in Horticulture, Agriculture and Environmental Settings. Stephen has intimate knowledge of Biochar working with European Interreg Project Three C and Cill Ulta are associate partners in the new Interreg project CASCADE. There will be an introduction to Biochar, the processes for making Biochar, the benefits of Biochar and characteristics. There will also be a Kon Tiki Kiln demonstration on the day with light refreshments and snacks. This is a great opportunity to hear more information on the Bioeconomy and how biochar can progress this development. To register please call 074 91 80994 or email